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Northcountrynative t1_j96wpc0 wrote

Lemme help you: yata


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j9749ya wrote

you’ve been on Reddit for 2 days — tone it down, it’s a marathon not a sprint. I don’t drink to get drunk, I’m not a college student, and I’ve lived in the valley since 1996. but, because you mentioned it, Fast Taxi (previously Turtle Taxi) is super affordable and convenient — we use them when we go out on weekend and plan to be out late.


soullessgingerlol t1_j97glj9 wrote

Katie for the win. Idk if she still owns it, but when my first son was born, we didn't have a car for the first 2 month he was alive so we depended on fast taxi for his dr appointments and for the grocery store. She would bring me to the Dr, then tell me she had to stop at Hannaford for her lunch if I needed anything I could run in too. I know she didn't need to stop and was doing me a favor. Awesome company. And you're right, affordable.


Northcountrynative t1_j98g2a0 wrote

I’m actually responding to this guy’s “am I the asshole” post about screaming at his pregnant fiancée.