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TurnoverTall t1_j78tnxb wrote

8 year old home. Propane forced hot air. Maintained 68 degrees entire time in Concord turning on and off as required. I was expecting it to run continuously but not the case.


SquashDue502 OP t1_j79c2ys wrote

Our house is 113 years old 😂😂


TurnoverTall t1_j79ejy6 wrote

You win?


SquashDue502 OP t1_j81pbqu wrote

Said that to a friend here and they beat me with theirs being almost 300 😂 houses here are ancient lol


TurnoverTall t1_j81s7zu wrote

Now I can understand the heat loss given the limited insulation based on the age of the home. That is where to focus if you are looking long term. That intense cold was…intense.