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SnareWire OP t1_j7c0dm9 wrote

Sounds good, thanks. I have a copy of the application for variance; I'll reach out to the attorney that filed it.


Excellent_Affect4658 t1_j7cajoz wrote

Note that if you do want to speak against it, "I don't like it because X" is not very useful to the zoning board. The board has a specific set of criteria by which variances are supposed to be evaluated. You want to be able to say "I believe that this variance should not be granted because it does not address requirement Y in the town zoning ordinance, and the same goals could be achieved without a variance and without significant hardship by doing Z."


UnfairAd7220 t1_j7dgao4 wrote

That lawyer isn't, likely, authorized to speak to you. If you want to speak to anybody, speak to your Town Planner and get their take on it. Its possible that they have an opinion that agrees with yours.