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TheSpaceman1975 t1_j82mteg wrote


OP: I live in Oklahoma. (The flattest fucking place in North America with very predictable weather. ) Is it safe for me to hike in NH (one of the muddiest, rocky places in N America with variable weather conditions) in May?

My answer: be fucking careful because some people fuck up this equation and die. ( few people a year.)


imdone5555 t1_j83wrqu wrote

Yeah, really.

To be exact ‘well versed in survival skills’. You don’t have to have that skill set to go on a hike in any of those locations in May.

Be careful and it’s deceptive sure. But people here want to make it sound like this guy is summiting Everest in winter.


TheSpaceman1975 t1_j83xyd9 wrote

Its kind of an “if you have to ask you shouldn’t do it” situation. I only saying that OP should be well prepared. People die hiking in NH all the time.