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Reddit_in_her_voice t1_j7tygt6 wrote

Everybody who wants this should get together and start a 503c whatever and fund it.

We can stick it to the fascist legislators and show them the power of the working class.


smartest_kobold t1_j7u680c wrote

We just wasted $10 M+ to take down a balloon. I think we can spend a little for some infrastructure.


asuds t1_j7u2074 wrote

We should do the same for all services: fire, police, roads, airports, and the marines!


Reddit_in_her_voice t1_j7u25kc wrote

Anti fascists unite!


asuds t1_j7vnak4 wrote

Reddit _in_pronoun_voice is pro-facist apparently. Bold position.


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_j7u68oe wrote

You realize that fascists are an edge case right - so just about everyone is anti-fascist by default.