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KrissaKray t1_j7ue5j3 wrote

I have no idea if arbor is legit but I switched to DE in likeeee sept/oct (I can't remember even though it was less than 6 mos ago lol) and it's already saved me a ton.


ryboto OP t1_j7ueydg wrote

I mean, what's the worst that could happen if I give them my liberty utilities account info?


KrissaKray t1_j7ufivl wrote

I had to give DE my Eversource info so I can’t tell you not to do that lol


nowhereman1223 t1_j7v3dlg wrote

They can log in and get your name, banking, etc and flip you over to them at a higher rate than stated, cause your electric to be shut off, etc etc.

There's a lot more they can do than you think.
