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Ok-Cantaloupe7160 t1_ja9gje1 wrote

There a couple building projects like that in the works in Conway. A hotel owner bought an office building and is turning it into apartments. The business that was in there found that most of their employees can work from home so why maintain a building. The hotel owner is currently housing a dozen staffers at the hotel for $25/night.

A healthcare facility is also in the works and will include 200 condo units that will only be for sale as primary, long term housing, a bunch of 55+ houses and a couple dozen ‘bungalows’ that they’ll maintain as employee housing.

The owner of Settlers Green outlets is building 200+ apartments for long term residents and 18 ‘townhouses’ that’ll also be deed restricted for long term residents.

NH has been so ‘business friendly’ for the last 4 decades it’s hurting businesses.