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veganprovolone t1_j9rxka2 wrote

thank you this is what i was looking for! child care licensing unit is untouched bc DHHS is in charge. thank god.


thisisntshakespeare t1_j9tv2p0 wrote

But apparently, Rep Ross Berry (R) Manchester wants to change all that. He is on a special committee on Child Care (and also runs a child care business- conflict of interest much?) and would (if I read his quote correctly) want these deregulations to impact child care. (Same article as above)


goddammnick t1_j9u6ypo wrote

> But apparently, Rep Ross Berry (R) Manchester wants to change all that. He is on a special committee on Child Care (and also runs a child care business- conflict of interest much?) and would (if I read his quote correctly) want these deregulations to impact child care.

He is your average undereducated young republican.


veganprovolone t1_j9u399l wrote

child care is different in this context than the context i care about. i work at a residential treatment facility, which is handled differently than a daycare which is what he is referring to.