Submitted by IAcadianI t3_11bwdus in newhampshire
DemonDuo t1_ja174fz wrote
99% of the time the danger isn't you but the other people on the road. All of the actually stupid people show themselves on 89 on a snowy day. You could have the best snow vehicle ever. A semi truck with Arizona plates going too fast will automatically target the people not struggling and will crash into them for literally braindead reasons. If there was nobody else on the road with you it wouldn't be as bad. It's like people change to drift tires the moment they hit the onramp.
Curious_Buffalo_1206 t1_ja1iya9 wrote
This is why I prefer the backroads. I don’t care if they don’t plow. The shittier the roads, the better as far as I’m concerned. It’s the worst when it’s just shitty enough for all the flatlanders with bald no season tires to come out and play.
Nothing you can do if some masshole with 4WD and zero-wheel-stop in an adjacent lane fishtails straight into you. You can be a defensive driver all you want. You can be the best winter driver in a car that’s unstoppable in snow and ice. Make your whole driving setup winterproof, and winter will build a better Masshole to put you in a ditch anyway.
suefitz54 t1_ja35qqi wrote
Masshole here. I’m a cautious thoughtful driver who plans ahead while on the road. I’ve been rear ended twice while sitting at a red light. Both times the vehicle had NH plates. To say that all accidents are caused by MA drivers is a display of small minded ignorance. There are excellent and horrendous drivers in every state.
Curious_Buffalo_1206 t1_ja36kds wrote
Of course, but let’s be real, statistically, most people driving recklessly in snowstorms on NH interstates have MA plates. If only because there’s ~6x as many MA plates as NH plates in existence.
DemonDuo t1_ja3mavm wrote
Get out of my state please. Never come back.
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