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MethBearBestBear t1_jab0o3v wrote

Sununu is not popular amount younger voters and reddit in general is more progressive. The majority of NH under 50 is represented here. Sununu has been consistently losing more and more support over the past few years

Sincerely, A 31 year old born and raised New Hampshirite

Also a 5 day old troll account from a salty MA transplant bitching about NH voters....classy haha


seanwalter54321 t1_jac2zcn wrote

I’m not bitching about the majority of NH voters. I’m bitching about the people in this sub, a fringe minority.


MethBearBestBear t1_jac75gx wrote

What I'm saying is the people in this sub ARE the majority for the under 50 vote...