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optimistic8theist t1_j8e8lp2 wrote

I've been following this drama, and at risk of my sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this: A resident of Milford ran for the school board last year, and didn't get elected. Last fall, a parent complained of their cis child being bullied by a trans kid in the bathroom - and if I am reading that article correctly, it looks like it was the spouse of the dejected school board candidate who submitted the concern to board member Wheeler - who then initiated looking into changing the district's gender affirming approach to bathroom usage.

On the day of the walkout by Milford students who were protesting the covering up of urinals, I noticed that the same dejected school board candidate made a comment on facebook about how teachers at the K-1 elementary school ask kids to not tell their parents about conversations they've had together - which sparked another big round of unrest.

The middle school principal has resigned (I'm assuming he received an influx of emails about the urinals, some kind and some quite awful), and the K-1 principal sent out an email to all parents of currently enrolled students that he is seeking more information regarding the allegation by the former school board candidate. The town is all over the news - in a bad way - and we have everyone upset (at the board, at the administrations, and LGBTQIA people, at each other).

I can't help but wonder if this school board candidate, who wasn't elected, was trying to create chaos, from which he could perhaps have a more successful run at getting on the board on the next go; the two complaints that keep getting everyone riled up and reacting appear to have been from the same couple/parents.


Lurk_Real_Close t1_j8ec4eq wrote

You are reading that correctly.


Lurk_Real_Close t1_j8echne wrote

This resident is not running for school board again, however.


optimistic8theist t1_j8ejtum wrote

That's a bit of a relief, and if that is true, it allows me to more seriously consider his and his wife's allegations.

How do you know they won't run for the school board again?


Lurk_Real_Close t1_j8ekago wrote

Oh, he might run again, but he’s not on the ballot this March. The filing period is closed, so we know who is running.


decayo t1_j8fnmmf wrote

"it allows me to more seriously consider his and his wife's allegations." Give me a break. I get what you are doing, establishing an air of "fairness" or some other kind of attempt at virtuous neutrality, but we've seen the bullshit that is being thrown around to try to cause issues like this nationally. It never contains a thread of legitimacy. Giving the benefit of the doubt to people like this is not virtuous and it's not even open-mindedness; it's a purposeful dismissal of basic facts in an attempt to present neutrality to those who aren't paying attention to the world around them. You really think it's possible that a trans kid is running around bullying cis kids in restrooms? And the only one that has complained about it happens to be the child of a well-known fear-monger on the issue? Isn't it more likely that these nutcases are, like always, willing to lie to try to make their ridiculous points?


optimistic8theist t1_j8gayu0 wrote

Hey there! No, I really don’t believe that a trans kid is running around bullying cis kids. My kid is at the middle school, and has a couple of trans friends. They are all bullied. If I had to guess, I’m inclined to think the trans kid crossed paths with one of their bullies, and some words were exchanged, and the trans kiddo had enough and stood up for themselves.

But I’m trying to approach it as objectively as possible, which is hard to do in general, and even harder once we notice the trend of this family firing off these allegations with minimal details, and only in the school year following a failed political run.

I’d love to see the data comparing the percentage of trans kids bullying cis kids, and cis kids bullying cis kids in bathrooms at the district. Pretty sure cis kids harm cis kids way more than trans kids are harming cis kids.


Glad_Nefariousness_6 t1_j8oojq7 wrote

Why can’t a trans girl use a closed stall with the rest of the little girls. It’s creepy as hell to demand a urinals in a little girls bathroom and particularly when females are saying it makes them uncomfortable.

This is seriously nuts.


decayo t1_j8pg8gd wrote

Who the hell is demanding urinals in the girls bathroom? The demand is to put full length stalls in, which is the correct demand. I have to admit that I don't know all the ins and outs of this issue, but you are the first person I've seen suggest that anyone is trying to put urinals in the girls bathroom.


Maldonian t1_j8fqxfr wrote

Let’s at least try to be consistent. It’s either believe victims, or don’t believe any accusations until there is evidence…but it can’t be both.


decayo t1_j8fruj1 wrote

Considering nothing happened, there is no victim not being believed.

Meanwhile, no one just blanket says "believe victims" with no context related to what they were supposedly victimized by. "Believe victims" is in the context of sexual assault; is the claim that the person was sexually assaulted?

I'm also not a person that has ever claimed that anyone claiming to be a victim should be automatically believed, especially if that person has a compelling reason to lie. In this case, the person has a reason to back their brain-dead degenerate parents' play.

The sensible middle-ground to your construct is "Seriously investigate claims, but in the absence of evidence, consider the source". I'm not going to abandon all reason because of some weird set of rules invented on Twitter.


dangerzonebjj t1_j8etqrp wrote

Wheeler is a total nutcase with a history of shit like this.

He was on the executive council awhile too.


optimistic8theist t1_j8f4t42 wrote

It really just seems like an effort to sow chaos, and it isn't lost on me that the parent emailed Wheeler only, rather than the whole Board. (That's my understanding of the situation, from the limited details we have in the news reports that I've come across.)


Lurk_Real_Close t1_j8goekh wrote

This is the son. Dad is David and is still on the Executive Council. Son is Nate, on the school board.


Lurk_Real_Close t1_j8gpn38 wrote

Both homeschool their kids. So that means there is a person on the school board that was homeschooled and is currently homeschooling his children.


dangerzonebjj t1_j8jre6n wrote

Thanks. I didn't realize. I know him and Deb pignatell had gone back and forth. Sad there's another Wheeler in politics. I'm 100% sure nate never got any email from from anyone and is making it up.