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Live_FreeorDie603 t1_j8nwtsi wrote

NH is a very live-and-let-live type of state. If you love how beautiful NH is and love NH for what it is, please don't move here and try to make it like where you came from. This is a popular belief with NH natives, conservative or liberal leaning.

There is also a sentiment (myself included) that out-of-state rich city people are moving and making affordable housing out of reach for a lot of families. We are approximately 20k housing units short to be considered 'balanced'. I'm at 135k and borderline out of the market.

There are also a lot of cultural differences between Maryland and NH, firearms being one I can think of quickly. Also consider our biggest city is 100k people, so we are not an urban state. Below Concord is more suburban meanwhile above is rural.

If you're a progressive liberal, Portsmouth and Hanover are good spots for you. If you're conservative, liberty minded anywhere else is a good place.


[deleted] OP t1_j8nxmpy wrote



Live_FreeorDie603 t1_j8nyash wrote

Happy to help. I love my state (my family has been here since 1638) and sharing its beauty. Just let me buy a home first haha!

What career field are you looking to go into, that will be a huge variable determining if it's even reasonable to move here.


[deleted] OP t1_j8nyurb wrote



Live_FreeorDie603 t1_j8o18d1 wrote

Nice, good for you. I won't pretend to know anything about the field or job prospects so best of luck!

We just have a long-standing issue with people from Mass, NY, and other states moving here and trying to change the state.

In my personal experience, 5 families bought homes near us, and now we're surrounded by New Yorkers and Mass natives. Boy, are they all rude. No one waves while walking or driving. Someone yelled because my dog was unhooked in our yard. People put huge spotlights up at night that light up everything. Walking down the road with my rifle one day after hunting I guess someone called the cops "someone had a gun walking". A local cop shows up and starts laughing when he sees me. It's a different lifestyle here.