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t1_j9yq2fl wrote

Remember after Obama got elected and we all collectively realized a large portion of the country is just extremely racist?


t1_j9zwb9n wrote

I lost all respect for a coworker because she endlessly droned on and on about how, “It’s the WHITE house! Stained by a black family and their n*ggilet kids!” Shortly after he got elected

She didn’t care about policies, or the recession, just the fact that the president was black.

Needless to say the hotel we were at didn’t think it was a good look that their waitress was openly racist and let her go not long after.


t1_ja0kc5q wrote

And then THEY turn around and say stuff like, “everything was fine until Obama made everything about race.” When what they mean is, “I was comfortable with my social station and now I’m losing my goddamn mind because the country is being led by someone I believe is inherently inferior to me, so what does that make me?”

A lot of people had big racist existential crises. It’s like saying everything was fine until that Asian guy decided to be all… Asian. It’s his fault that I’m so mad he’s Asian.


t1_ja2ruxy wrote

Obama’s completely scandal free 8 years means nothing to these people. What came next was a traitorous abomination out to get everything he could for himself.