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Odd_Salary7432 t1_jajqbgf wrote

So the majority of Americans are overweight? Holy shit


Wtfisgoinonhere t1_jak6wio wrote

Does that surprise you lol


Odd_Salary7432 t1_jaljj03 wrote

Yes, I mean I knew we had a problem with obesity in our country, but I didn’t realize that it was the majority. It’s just wild to think that with all the negative health effects associated with it that you don’t hear a thing about it anywhere being the majority of the country.


Wtfisgoinonhere t1_jaly67l wrote

Sometimes I’ll notice other peoples carts in the grocery store and just feel for the kids. Parents buying nothing but trash and thats their diet, its a shame


hamakabi t1_jam6hmv wrote

We used ho hear about rising obesity a lot. Then the majority became obese and decided they didn't want to feel bad about it so everyone stopped talking about it.


DiabolicalGooseHonk t1_jao43ub wrote

Everyone talks about it constantly. Why do you think plans and products related to diet is a billion dollar industry?

The sad truth is that nothing would reasonably change without massive government regulation and what most would consider gross overreach.


Odd_Salary7432 t1_jam8q0u wrote

Yeah true, I guess once everyone got overweight, they got sick of it and made it accepted. Funny how that works. Damn I’m definitely overthinking but that’s why suddenly I started to see overweight guys and girls in popular groups. And it all started happening when the body positivity movement started. Before then if you were overweight you were ostracized or bullied by popular kids.


WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_jam58g5 wrote

Also note that it is an average not median so there could be a few normal weight people and one heavy as hell person to skew the data.


Odd_Salary7432 t1_jam6k65 wrote

Ahh thank you, didn’t see that, it’s still depressing to know that on average Americans are overweight.