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FruityRogelio t1_jdjvj00 wrote

Human life begins when it is breathing independently


moneyforsoy t1_jdjwrto wrote

That’s the belief of Judaism, but Catholicism believes it starts at conception. Your own belief of when it starts is what dictates your moral compass when making decisions regarding reproductive health. That’s the point I’m making. The government shouldn’t get to decide.


HangInTherePanda t1_jdkbbpc wrote

Even the Bible is up for debate as to when life begins.

According to Genesis 2 - The beginning of Adam's life in verse 7:

Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Clearly, life begins when you draw your first breath. That is when God places your soul in your body. Your soul enters your body with your first breath and it leaves with your last

I personally am very pro-choice and I wish the government would stay out of women's bodies.


FruityRogelio t1_jdjz2q5 wrote

I agree that government should not get to decide, religion aside. Separation of church and state, etc.