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Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdkorht wrote

Not for nothing, but should we always “trust” the science? Better yet, the scientists conducting/completing such experiments…what if they have an agenda? Just sayin…anything’s possible. 😅


musicdude2202 t1_jdksefo wrote

One should always question science as that in itself is scientific. There are some things that are just not really disputable however. Life beginning at conception is a quantifiable and well established truth and having an abortion is in fact ending that life. The morality of it all is really the only thing up for debate.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdktf7s wrote

“One should always question science as that in itself is scientific”

Where were you during COVID vaccination discussions? Err, I mean requirements. Just when I needed you most. LOL
