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ohhellothere1234567 t1_jcna3rc wrote

I've never been there, but I live really close. They offer the locals a place to warm up and shower when we have power outages, so that's cool.

Not sure why you would want to vacation here though. Not a whole lot going on.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcnfuch wrote

I am driving up to Montreal for spring break. Was looking to make a road trip out of it. Was not even considering this area but the price was too attractive. It seems that there is something wrong with either the price or the establishment itself. I really appreciate the feedback, but the last thing I need for my trip is to get into some Stephen King BS so far from home.


weneedsound t1_jcufpf1 wrote

I live in Hollis. This B&B is on Broad St, which is a main road from the highway into Hollis. This B&B is in an old historical farm house. I would say this is a pricing error. Hollis is a small town, and there isn't a whole lot going on here, it is a nice town for raising a family, but not a tourist destination. I think it is more suited for people visiting family in town.