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ThunderySleep t1_jdfy0x6 wrote

"Body dysmorphia & god complexes" should read "Not fat & has all their teeth".


t0rk t1_jdhmhz6 wrote

False. The seacoast includes Hampton.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdjrdv0 wrote

I can’t say everyone has all their teeth, but got daa’yam, no need for flashlights in the dark around here!


[deleted] t1_jdi5whs wrote

More like “fat and doesn’t know it”


ThunderySleep t1_jdiwvry wrote

Is that what it's supposed to be? I took it as referring to Portsmouth, where there seems to be less fat people walking around here than in any other part of the state I've seen.


Roberto-Del-Camino t1_je7q01m wrote

I don’t know. Don’t the skeletal heroin addicts bring down the average weight in ManchVegas?