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Open-Industry-8396 t1_jdx9nzh wrote

I like how wmur tries to sugar coat things. "The officer shot at the car" he'll no!, that knucklehead pulled a gun on the cop, the cop was shooting at the perp, not the car. He was protecting his life.

This is a clean shooting. That guy was recklessly endangering many people. It will probably turn out the guy is mentally ill, but how is the cop to know this.


Bada__Ping t1_jdxkngz wrote

And even if you know someone is mentally ill, there is still a line you can’t allow them to cross when it comes to keeping the public safe


Double-Abalone7052 t1_jdzizbz wrote

Yeah, I’m sorry for people who have brains that lie to them about things, but if they are a danger to the public they need to be in the hospital.


NathanVfromPlus t1_jegy3la wrote

> people who have brains that lie to them about things

This is all humans.


corey1031d t1_jdy9tr9 wrote

Not to mention this dumb shit kid pulled out a BB gun.


FatherOfTheVoid t1_jdziuxn wrote

Man if you put that gun next to my Sig, I'm not sure I could tell the difference.