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McGreek t1_jbhsg5v wrote

With votes like this, you can really tell it’s not Dems vs Republicans or Left vs Right…it’s us vs them. It’s a big mono party in DC and they don’t care about anyone besides themselves


jrice39 t1_jbiyb02 wrote

Yup. These shitheads have far more in common with each other than any of their constituents.


throwsplasticattrees t1_jbj4c0y wrote

Bipartisanship when it benefits the military industrial complex. Deep divided party politics if it helps the rich, the poor, and everyone in the middle. I don't know if qualifies as oligarchy, but it sure as shit ain't representative democracy.


SquirrellyDog2016 t1_jbjb5ca wrote

For the most part, when speaking generally, I absolutely agree. With this particular issue, there are a lot of moving parts that date back decades. Some we don't know about. Others, we do. Too much to get into atm but I will simply say, at this point it has to do with the timing. Bad form to be pulling troops from an earthquake devastated country that we've been stationed in for years.

And of course, the hatred of Gaetz who presented this bill, is all encompassing. lol. Personally, I don't have a problem with anyone shutting him down.


phantompenis2 t1_jbjfm3s wrote

yeah why give up pwning the political opposition just because a few worthless lives are on the line


kostro12 t1_jbk30l9 wrote

You, my friend, would like the good work of Tim Dillon


Augustus420 t1_jbhycjy wrote

It’s definitely left Vs right lol we just don’t have a leftist side to our government.


mod-corruption t1_jbi3ajg wrote

If your definition of leftist is “good”, then yes, we don’t have a good side to our government.