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valleyman02 t1_jbogvgn wrote

No children are having surgeries. These drugs do not cause irreparable harm. Why are people misrepresenting the facts. To stop a doctor/patient relationship. Trying to block healthcare and mental health care for kids and adults?


11_Wolfie_11 t1_jbqcdog wrote

Isn’t there also a bill out there now being proposed that parents don’t need to be in the loop on all of this…? And yes, puberty blockers cause irreparable harm. And yes, children in this country as young at least as young twelve have had surgeries done.

Saying someone should be an adult before they do this shit isn’t bigotry. In my personal opinion, being 36, even 18 is way to fucking young to be making these kid of calls about the rest of your life. In the other hand, I get it. If someone will be happier on the other side, don’t rob them of their youth in that role. But…yeah, no.

The core of the issue is influence, not perceived phobias.


comefromawayfan2022 OP t1_jbqvcrk wrote

There are certain cases where transgender youth SHOULD be able to make these types of decisions without their parents info. It's one thing if a transgender youth has loving and supportive parents then yes that's absolutely a time the parents should be involved. But not all transgender youth have that. Kids get thrown out of the house over these types of things and LGBTQIA youth will take their own lives and attempt to take their own lives because of family discrimination and lack of family those types of situations than absofuckinglutely the parents should have zero say.


11_Wolfie_11 t1_jbrc4p4 wrote

So…what about all the mislead detransitioners that are left in a no-man’s-land?

And just so I’m clear on what you’re saying:

The parents need to agree with what these outsiders are saying they’re child needs, or they get no say in the matter…right? No.


scarletuba t1_jbs5o2j wrote

8 in 100 detransition in any form. 62 in 100 of those did it because of societal pressures and not because they personally wanted to.

So if you have a population of 1000 people who have transitioned in any way, 80 might have fully detransitioned or partially (meaning they might be "switching/etc). Only 30 chose to detransition and didn't claim it was due outside pressure.

Contrast to suicidality

50% consider suicide. 20% attempt

So 50 in 100 are in such destress that they want to die.

20 in 100 try to die. Note: not 20% of 50% like the above stat... In a population of 1000 people who have identified as trans, 500 comtemplate suicide. 200 attempt.

Note: data on completed suicide is lacking because of how deaths are reported.