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Sandi_T t1_jc521yv wrote

It's hard to make deep friendships in NH. The people are very nice, friendly, courteous. Yet they are always busy. As a person who, in adulthood, always had a couple of real, deep friendships and typically a friend group (less close) at any given time or place, I've been a fish out of water here.

I've resigned myself that I'm simply not going to have anything here but pleasant acquaintances. I've lived all over in the USA, but never find people simultaneously so pleasant and yet ultimately so distant.

Weirdly, most people I talk to about it agree... But still they aren't willing to move beyond whatever it is that causes this disconnect.

I thought it must be something weird about me, but other people feel the same way.

"Would you like to have coffee or go take an art class?"

"Yes, definitely! Here's my number!"

Call them..."How about Tuesday?" "Busy." "Wednesday?" "Busy." "Thursday?" "Busy." "Well, let me know if you get time."

Six months later they call, "Why don't you call me? I thought you wanted to go out for coffee?"

"I'd love to! How about Tuesday?" "Busy." "Wednesday?" "Busy." "Right, anyway, nice chat, see you around."

It's weird.