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OP t1_jc556wx wrote


t1_jc5t51o wrote

Not that windy. Good lord even during a northeast storm. Your wind is the wizard of oz! Yikes!


t1_jc67iee wrote

Grew up in MN, it gets chilly in NH, but I have never blinked here and had my eyelashes freeze together here. You will do fin in NH.

It’s a little backwards for the NE, look at taxes for the area you are considering, we are childfree and chose a high tax area with a good school for resale but if you homeschool I’d look for a cheaper area.

Politics here are pretty quiet, we have right wing idiots up here that like to fly flags on trucks and some of the idiots still have Trump signs up, but 95% of the NH folks I have meet since 2014 are decent.

Good luck!


t1_jc55sx8 wrote

-108°F windchill and 234 mph would be our records, the rest you should check and verify with data instead anecdotal evidence from an internet stranger.
