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schillerstone OP t1_jcbkedh wrote

Not if they don't personally have the skill set. Upskilling is a not thing unions love to do.


slimyprincelimey t1_jcc9pkl wrote

You don't think construction or electrician unions have the skillset to dig trenches and lay wire?


beagletronic61 t1_jccer8l wrote

Now you are putting words in his mouth…granted, they are words he said and this is exactly what he meant by them but where do you get off making an observation?!


RelationshipJust9556 t1_jccm9r2 wrote

no they don't, not saying they couldn't learn, they would much rather sit in their trucks watching over the ditch diggers, then work on the lines. wich is what they do now.


schillerstone OP t1_jccn6h0 wrote

Slimy, maybe?? I am recalling all the heating and air conditioning technicians who refused my calls to quote on installing a heat pump. I mean, it's heating but different, sooo...signs point to an indifference to learning something different


beagletronic61 t1_jcc6gn3 wrote

If we could award a contract for “UpTROLLing”, I think you’d get it, no-bid.

You were temporarily inconvenienced by the storm and now think that it’s because of unions.