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NHiker469 t1_jdqx5w2 wrote

I just told you I’m not reading a word you type.

I’m busy writing letters to my state and local reps.

This place needs to be shut down and the owners need to reevaluate their standards for how they prevent their customers from consuming drug laced food they provided.


Matryoshkova t1_jdqxiyy wrote

OK Karen. “I want to completely destroy the livelihood of multiple people for something they had pretty much no control over”. Go smoke a doobie and chill out


NHiker469 t1_jdqy4ig wrote

I’m almost done writing my letters to my state and local reps. Got my list of NH towns and all their leaders. Email is a beautiful thing.


dj_narwhal t1_jdr0vm8 wrote

I just wasn't ready for someone to be so extremely wrong so loudly and so many times this morning.


bucketnebula t1_jds594h wrote

You're clearly a transplant from out of state with the attitude you're carrying. Grow up lol


NHiker469 t1_jds5h3o wrote

Born and raised, love. Born and raised.
