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Leemcardhold t1_jdr7pby wrote

Do you think it’s reasonable for all food vendors to drug test every sourced ingredient? Not just for thc, but fentanyl, cocaine whatever? That’s the only way I can figure to stop something like this from happening.

I think it’s safe to assume the man who made the ice cream will be held responsible and lose any future business. Problem solved.


NHiker469 t1_jdr8hsd wrote

No. Almost none of them need to be tested, IF proper due diligence was done.

This restaurant chose a manufacturer with a low barrier to entry, likely because of price, and stopped there.

Enter drug laced ice cream stage left.

Mediocrity and pass the buck mentality is strong here.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_jdrfczy wrote

This isn't some big corporate scandal.

Local shop sourced local ice cream and a stoner made a whoopsie.

You're acting like this is the Rajneeshee bioterror attack.

It was an accident and everyone is fine, calm the fuck down.

Genuinely, you could use some weed right now.

Edit: just browsed your profile and see you're a stoner who has been sober for 3 weeks, so now I understand why you are both being so high-and-mighty as well as an irritable dickhead. FWIW you'll normalize eventually, but you are being over the top right now and with the perspective of time you'll realize that.