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NHiker469 t1_jdr7w6y wrote

I don’t think every batch of ice cream needs to be tested. In fact, almost none of them do.

SO LONG as proper due diligence is done on who is supplying your goods. Ice cream in this case.

With a tiny bit of DD on the restaurants part, they very likely could have made a better decision on who supplied their ice cream.

Instead, the opted for mediocrity and served their customers ice cream laced with illegal drugs.



besafenh t1_jdr9tnv wrote

They purchased a business with existing inventory. I looked into a restaurant in Manchvegas that offed the same deal. Should I throw out all of the olive oil, or do I look at the good reviews and think about the advantages of a stable transition?

As an FDA regulated food producer, I have to employ an audit system in addition to my process controls. (Botulism kills).

Ideally, I would have a water analysis suite, but the only way to make it work financially, is to accept that my primary job is laboratory analysis. The product processing becomes a distant secondary line. Clean room, appropriate storage, necessary devices. $200,000 Yes, I investigated.

Sending batch samples to Cornell is financially beneficial, and more believable than self-testing. Would a University falsify results? Less likely than a processing facility doing so.


NHiker469 t1_jdra5el wrote

Ugh, I can’t do these walls of text defending this behavior. Byeee


Reubachi t1_jdvqavw wrote

Lol you win the award this month for “most clueless Karen”.

I hope you and people like you don’t ruin a business for not following “due diligence”, whatever the fuck you think that is hahaha.

Brb gotta go get gas and do due diligence that it’s not laced with thc first.