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GhostDan t1_jcfe3cq wrote

Nope. They are actively trying to ban books, not just at the state level but locally. My local library had a article put in the vote this week that made it so the librarians no longer had the decision on what books to put out, it was up to committee.

Footloose and Idiocracy should be required watching for these people, although somehow I think it'd go right over their heads


skigirl180 t1_jcfzrmg wrote

This is crazy. What town? I was just elected as a library trustee and was asked about banning books at candidates night. My stance is not to ban books...unless it is the bible


Impriel t1_jcglnau wrote

Nice that's pretty metal for a librarian. Power to you


skigirl180 t1_jcgm4s9 wrote

I am a library trustee. Tho I wish I was a librarian. Such an amazing job! The trustees do get some say in stuff tho.

I grew up catholic and have read the Bible a few times. It is really not appropriate for children.

Also consider myself a removing catholic. It is a lifelong affliction I take day by day!!


Ok-Glass7272 t1_jchia7r wrote

>that's pretty metal

Too damn clever. Consider it stolen. ; )


beachTreeBunny t1_jcfsflv wrote

Hope the librarians quit. I have an MLS and I would. So much for live free. The people who are afraid to live free are trying to control the state. Glad I moved. It’s really gone downhill the past few years between the state and local legislators and the free staters. NH used to be a state where everyone had a vote but no more.


Noctuema t1_jcfxxvu wrote

My only fear would be that we’d have library closings instead of change. Libraries (as I’m sure you know as a MLS!) are so incredibly important in low income ESL areas of NH, and save homeless lives time and time again.


GhostDan t1_jcgeeua wrote

It's gotten nuts honestly. People are going to have to move away for more freedom from the facists.


P0Rt1ng4Duty t1_jcjctd4 wrote

Also, ''don't look up.''


Slade23703 t1_jckw5li wrote

No, Don't look up was about lefties selling out and doing adultery.

He could have continued to push the message but he sold out for money and lust.

And the kid Of President lived to rebuild America