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Darwins_Dog t1_jcfgbc6 wrote

It provides a way for any parent to waste schools' time and resources by filing a bogus complaint and forcing the school to have a hearing. Spare us the pearl clutching about "they could read 50 shades of gray." That's about as real as students using litter boxes at school. Blatant unfounded fear mongering.

This bill is designed to hurt public education under the guise of parental rights.


TheGrateKhan t1_jcfhzst wrote

You might not have read my entire statement, and thats fine it was quite long. I follow up that 50 shades example (one i figured the world would recognize as something we dont want children to be exposed to) with what i actually fear will happen(good teachings being restricted). If it would make you feel better, imagine instead of 50 shades, I wrote something that you think shouldn't be taught or promoted in educational settings, depending on age group.


Darwins_Dog t1_jcfkvft wrote

Your post sounds like you think this bill is a good idea with some flaws. I hope I misread it, but your example of the possible upside is straight out of the fear mongering playbook. Hyperbole aside, what books are you worried about? Are there examples of schools in NH stocking inappropriate books? I haven't read anything, thus why I call it unfounded fear mongering.

If you find something objectionable in the school library, start with a conversation. We don't need a law to protect us from a made up scenario.


TheGrateKhan t1_jcfvwwq wrote

For the most part, I do think the bill is a good idea. I recognize the potential for abuse and misuse, which should be addressed to add potential penalties for clearly vexatious incidents.

But the bill provides a fairly clear pathway for both complainants and the defendants/institutions. The school, library, or other educational organization just has to address the concern within a timely manner. They can say " this is clearly bull, we're not doing anything about it." And if the complainant is unhappy, it provides them with the instructions on how to handle it further. If theres ever a situation in which an explicitly anti trans curriculum is added to a school, the parents or even the students themselves deserve to have an actual way to get recognition of their issue and some form of decision.

Personally, it doesnt matter to me what the particular item at issue is. If I was in a situation where I felt that a particular subject/topic/etc. should not be taught or disseminated in the manner or age group it was, I'd want there to be a set of rules that i can look to for how to get that issue addressed and know that i am at least guaranteed a response.

Example: if Andy Dufresne wrote 1 letter every day to get funding or books for the prison library, and the government was forced to respond to him, he might've gotten a proper resolution much faster had a bill similar to this been enacted. You shouldnt be forced to overwhelm an institution or organization just to get a response to your concerns.


Darwins_Dog t1_jcg8n0y wrote

You glossed over the part where a county attorney can decide the school has to defend their "this is bull" argument in court. It's an unnecessary burden that doesn't need to be there.

Obvious potential abuses should be fixed before passing a law, not after. They can submit a revised version and I'll reconsider my position, but I'm not going to pin my hopes on politicians doing the right thing after they have what they want.

Andy Dufrense was a fictional character. It's fitting that you would use him as an argument for who this law would help.


TheGrateKhan t1_jcgg1lr wrote

Didnt gloss over that part, its part of the complaint process. If the person who filed the complaint is dissatisfied with the 1st response, they can escalate the issue to the next person in line, that individual can determine whether a hearing in court is necessary. Alternatively, they can support the first response and agree that the complaint is unneeded.

The bill is still only in the House, so there is ample time for both politicians and citizens like you and I to make our concerns heard and have amendments made to ensure that this bill has all the grounds covered. It may get drastically changed in the senate.

I used Andy Dufresne as an example because it's again a situation i figured most people are familiar with because it was an incredibly popular piece of media. The CONCEPT which is the important part to focus on, is that in a world without these types of rules that require an answer be given and be given by a particular timeline from your government or educational systems, they can simply ignore you unless you flood them with complaints or publicity. You shouldnt have to resort to those measures to get something as simple as an answer and/or a direction to go if dissatisfied with the answer. Especially from a branch, portion, or individual in your government.

Ill try a different example:

A public school History teacher decides that for the beginning of the Ancient Civilizations portion, hes going to have the class read/study The Old Testament of The Bible and is teaching them that what happened in The Bible is Historically accurate. Or teaches the history of the Civil War and Reconstruction only from the perspective of the Confederacy and tries to malign principles of the Union? I can guarantee you that there's a group of people who would view these as Obscene and theyd have every right to complain. Youll probably say that the Separation of Church and State solves the first one, but if the school doesnt even need to address your complaint, how do you get the ball rolling? You'd have to file a lawsuit or contact a governmental body thats above than the school. This law looks to make that easier to do. It forces the institution to address that you have a concern, and if they dont do the correct thing, it'll open them up to larger amounts of trouble if they are actually in the wrong.