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ThatAHOLE t1_itmss55 wrote

This guy is probably going to be in Protective Custody for a long while - which is basically from what I understand is solitary. There are plenty of guys in there who can’t see their kids for whatever reason and they’d love to take it out on a complete scumbag like this guy.


11BMasshole t1_itmttlh wrote

No they wouldn’t, Prisoners don’t give a flying fuck about much. They are all fucking degenerate scumbags for the most part. The biggest thing that prisoners fight over is sex. You either fight to not get raped, fight to be the raper or fight another prisoner for their piece of ass. The other things are food, drugs or gang shit.


Highlingual t1_itnx5ok wrote

My best friend’s mother was a nurse at a max security facility growing up so we got to hear a lot of stories. Unless something has changed in the last decade or so, folks who hurt young children were on the top of other inmates’ shit lists.