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dj_narwhal t1_it6tm8p wrote

Gas prices are down, you need to watch more fox news, the new issue is groomers and fentanyl in the candy. Halloween themed right wing propaganda, isn't that a fun treat? Next month will be godless liberals say the pilgrims are racist, then everyone's favorite, THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS! How do you people even survive?


llambo17 t1_it7gci8 wrote

>Gas prices are down

In what reality are you living in?


BowTiedAgorist t1_it81ihy wrote

Its just like the "record job growth"

Yeah, when you eliminate millions of positions from the economy over covid and then suddenly let people go back to work - best time for a victory lap. So gas ticked down 10 cents after going up three dollars - *cheers*

Like fucking your wife's sister then paying for the abortion and expecting gratitude.


Glad_Vanilla_7121 t1_it98ywp wrote

They’ve been manipulated down by making us less able to deal with real crises. But they’ve been ticking up again because tapping the oil reserves to manipulate prices down is a Mickey Mouse solution from a Mickey Mouse administration. You prove your simplicity though. I disagree with certain policies and automatically branded a right wing nut, I couldn’t just be disgusted with the focus of the current administration. Simple is as simple does.