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t1_iqrb5b3 wrote

>I don't recommend that you hike Mt. Washington

Oh no, I wouldn't try that. I think for a hike, I am only looking at easy/moderate hikes (chose Artists Bluff for that reason). And yes I was thinking tour guides van - the Auto road drive has some scary reviews on TripAdvisor which is why I wanted to know what people thought of those. Thank you for the detailed response.


t1_iqrc9ui wrote

I just want to be sure because it always makes me sad when out of staters are hurt or die because they don't know what they're getting into :(

If you REALLY want to see Mt Washington's summit, cog railway or a tour van will be fine. I wouldn't drive it because with my luck my car would shit itself on the way up, but it shouldn't be a difficult drive.

But if you're just looking to see the sights and Mt Washington is just something on the list, I strongly recommend taking a nice hike instead. Have fun!