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1carus_x t1_iqyuylj wrote

This is literally that "I'm becoming a Nazi bc YOURE making me one, I'm just forced to do this" mene


seanwalter123 t1_iqyxl0r wrote

Idk what that means and I’ve never seen a meme anything close to what you’re saying….


seanwalter123 t1_iqyxiwn wrote

How many kids vape because they’re told not to do it? When race becomes the center of attention and is forced down your throat being racist becomes edgy. if they would pull back on the bs I bet you this would all go away.


hemlockstockandbarel t1_iqyxy4b wrote

I don't actually think most kids who start vaping do it out of spite, or whatever. They do it because it seems cool, or because their friends do it.

And like, what, if society stopped talking about racism, racism would go away? That's not how anything works, come on.