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Peeeculiar t1_iu4k9i7 wrote

I avoid Hampton Beach like the plague in the summer, but in the fall and spring it's actually great for walking. Zero crowds and the folks that are there are chill.

The worst thing that'll happen is an off-leash dog will do some uninvited crotch sniffing.


optimistic8theist OP t1_iu4m2c8 wrote

Oh nice! This is the sort of comment I was hoping for!

Any seafood or pizza places open and worth checking out this time of year there, that you can remember?


Peeeculiar t1_iu4mef1 wrote

There always Tripoli (if you do beach pizza - which is something not all folks like). I hit the one in Seabrook on the way out.


[deleted] t1_iu4r4fe wrote

seconding this! if you've never had beach style pizza, go to tripoli and order a box with extra cheese (provolone) 🤤


blzac33 t1_iu4okm0 wrote

Agree with above poster…Hampton is very peaceful this time of year. Head down rt. 1 to Markeys or Browns. I believe both are still open.


TheMobyDicks t1_iu5jo8l wrote

Brown's is my fave. Don't forget to bring your own beer.


blzac33 t1_iu5kcdq wrote

Yea buddy. Love byobs. There use to be a place in Hudson or Litchfield that was byob BBQ. Great ribs. Can’t recall the name.


yo_mama_5000 t1_iu5026g wrote

There’s such a thing as uninvited crotch sniffing?



TheMobyDicks t1_iu5jhhh wrote

So you've definitely met my border collie. Probably the smartest dog in the planet but greets my buddies by dive-bombing their crotch. They've learned the 'lift the knee' trick, now, so it's all's cool.