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nowhereman1223 t1_ir9ym1d wrote

"Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80 percent of his or her final salary"

Get yourself in office for 1 term as a senator or 2.5 terms as house of reps member and that's a decent deal.

Work for 5 years and get at least $150,000+ per year for life starting at 62?

Sounds pretty good to me.


Dont forget that they also get the Gold Level Package provided by the Affordable Care Act. They pay 28% of the premiums with the government/taxpayers covering the other 72%. Also a pretty good deal. So not a Cash cow, but also not a bad gig.


bastardosybastitdos t1_ir9z8vl wrote

I know some red loving folks will Find my following sentiment crazy but …

I think that is a deal all Americans should enjoy. A livable wage, a secure pension and quality healthcare for life seems like something all citizens of a rich and successful country should enjoy.

I would vote to elect more representatives who would vote to ensure those things for all of us.

I do enjoy those benefits and it’s a great thing for me and my family. I wish it for everyone of my fellow citizens.