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t1_itn4k1n wrote

Just the days you physically work in MA.


t1_itnhplb wrote

Not true, as evident by my recalled tax refund. NH actually took MA to court for just this and lost.


t1_itnjc3n wrote

My understanding is they got rid of the temporary Covid rules to allow you to only pay on days you commuted to MA


t1_itnkwl9 wrote

Dude I wish… I filed that on my Turbo Tax and they clawed back 20k in 1.5 weeks.


t1_itnoecb wrote

That's a nicely sized MA derived income you've got there...


t1_itnslww wrote

Perfect aligning of the stars… worked for a small biotech with many stock options- bought out by Big Pharma and paid out in full without options maturing. I wish I pulled that in each year.


t1_itnis50 wrote

Interesting . Sounds like they did select some claims to Audit. I have always apportioned my days WFH and never been audited. Had some friends that claimed near 100% and didn’t get called in. Thought they would be . I only did 25% -50%though I am fully remote and was fine .


t1_itnmhnj wrote

I wonder then if it just happened to be based on $ value. But that was crazy- literally 1.5 weeks before I got a letter in the mail from the gov’t.


t1_itoa9kf wrote

Good luck! Would be interested in how you prepare and how it goes . Was talking to my buddy and he always apportioned a significant % of his time at home and wasn’t listed as WFH employee. My sense is maybe they flag you if they see a spike from one year to another ?