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mplaz23 t1_iu70rti wrote

Feelings are all fine & good but for the love of God please don’t vote on emotions. That’s how we got CornPop’s grandpa

This election comes down being evicted vs maybe having a small chance in hell to actually get by - or more simply put being in a depression vs a recession.

Both sides are clowns it’s a matter of which side is less of a sideshow.


juicebronston t1_iu78ruf wrote

Empathetic policy isn’t purely emotionally driven, not that you can fully separate emotion from policy anyway.


mplaz23 t1_iu7c1e7 wrote

I’m not sure either side has had a good policy in 30 years. But I was strictly speaking about voting based on emotions. Not policy. But the same principles do apply.

Feelings are how we’ve justified sending over 50 billion dollars to Ukraine. In my mind it’s just a replacement for Afghanistan & the military industrial complex.
