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Itsaburner777 t1_iuhx8w4 wrote

Let’s be honest, they shut it down because they’re afraid of the lunatics on the left coming to destroy their campus. That is all there’s nothing else. This is the reason.


ccoyote1 t1_iuhxwyn wrote

I did hear that rioters were being bused up from NYC to burn down Hanover. But seriously, what sort of delusional world are you living in? This is a stupid position.


OrchidReverie t1_iuhxyrq wrote

Attendees cancelled. Not the school.


hydrazi t1_iui1jtw wrote

They canceled due to a complex change in the rules, so much so they could not meet them and chose to cancel instead. It's the new way to say "It wasn't us, it was them". Like changing the definition of Recession.