WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_iu6z9zl wrote
What makes NH early voting restrictive? Has it changed since the last election because I never found it difficult?
one_way_ticketz t1_iu71gb6 wrote
It is restricted to the extent that it doesn't exist.
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_iu71npo wrote
Absentee ballots? You can get them and vote early. Not super difficult.
one_way_ticketz t1_iu71y27 wrote
Absentee ballots aren't universal like they were during covid.
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_iu72ej6 wrote
I used them before covid as well and I never found them too difficult to get. Perhaps that has changed.
one_way_ticketz t1_iu734hz wrote
You need a reason to vote absentee in NH. That reason can be work/childcare obligations during all of the hours when polling is open. So it is sort of loose if that can apply to you.
[deleted] t1_iu77z2p wrote
littleirishmaid t1_iu788og wrote
That was because of covid. The state of emergency ended.
NH does not use vote by mail, NH uses absentee ballots. Each state determines its own election law. All of the reasons you may use to request one is on the application. https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/inline-documents/sonh/absentee-ballot-application-state-election.pdf
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