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Sharoane t1_isx7cbe wrote

Oh, yes. Going on two to three weeks. It started as a typical cold. Cough lingered. Now it is a sore throat (pretty painful, too) with a side of laryngitis and topped off with a cough and body aches.

I caught it from my client, a guy who has an intellectual disability. His family sent him in sick but must have pumped him full of cold meds because he was okay in the morning but miserable later on. He was also dealing with a lingering cough. He developed pneumonia but we caught it in time to get meds and he is doing okay. I'm thankfully not having symptoms of that.

And when I say painful sore throat, I mean swallowing broken glass painful. It aches between swallows. Tylenol/Advil knock it back a bit, but not 100%.


MarieCurieNotMaMere t1_isxedq8 wrote

Your throat, did you get tested for strep? It's VERY important that you get this checked out with a full throat culture. Sounds like you need antibiotics


Sharoane t1_it3xu0i wrote

Not yet--and it is finally letting up. I haven't had strep as a kid and I'm 51, but I was planning on it if things didn't let up by today.