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No1_Nozits_Me t1_ixxm4se wrote

We've gone to the NH Ren Faire many times and have always had a blast.

We went to King Richard's Faire for the first time this year, and we'll never waste our money again.

Now, we're, once again, eagerly awaiting the NH Ren Faire in May. Highly recommended for all ages.


Accurate-Temporary73 t1_ixxy4b4 wrote

Just curious why do you feel that way about king Richards? I used to go almost every year but haven’t in a long time.


No1_Nozits_Me t1_ixysscv wrote

It was basically a day of standing in line after line for anything we wanted to do. We expected a long line to get in, of course. But then there were lines to buy tickets for food, lines to buy food, lines to buy drinks, lines for rides, etc. Each line was 20-25 people long, and the employees seemed to have no desire to be fast and efficient at getting the lines moving.

Trying to get food and drinks was especially ridiculous. After standing in line for tickets for food, we stood in one line for a burger, had to go to a different line for chicken fingers and yet another line for a pretzel, even though all the windows shared the same kitchen space behind them. The person at each window would only sell what their window advertised, even though they had to walk past the other items to get it. Between tickets and food, we were in line for nearly 90 minutes, just to have lunch.

There was also no real happiness coming from the actors. Everyone just seemed in a bad mood, giving off negative vibes, and completely unhappy.


stephithewolf t1_ixy27n8 wrote

I used to work there. The newer owner Bonnie is so bad. Doesn't care about the actors or booth owners. So much drama. It's really gone down the drain and the price jack doesn't help. It started before covid.


No1_Nozits_Me t1_ixz5xjz wrote

We actually sat with a woman who worked there in through the 90s but hadn't been back until this year. She said it was completely different and she'll never go back again.


stephithewolf t1_iy05gzv wrote

I know a lot of the jousters, and worked for a couple booths. Just to give you an idea of how bad it's gotten. The new owner at one point was refusing to let the booth owners and jousters stay at the fairgrounds. People would drive hours to work there. After about 5-6 booths said if you don't let us stay we're pulling out for good. It was pretty damn bad. The jousters said you can either pay for our horses to stay at a barn for the faire season or we're done. It was so bad. The head of security Norm was telling me that the owner was scrambling and almost closed because she was a dimwit. I haven't gone in a couple years but to be honest it's not what it was.


No1_Nozits_Me t1_iy0fz0n wrote

I love the NH Ren Faire, so I was excited to finally go to King Richard's Faire after hearing years of hype, but I'll never waste my money going back again. Very disappointing.


brain_freese t1_ixztery wrote

It has gotten massive and expensive. The NH one is smaller, cheaper, and more accessible.