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Happy_Confection90 t1_ixakwlh wrote

The vast majority of people who drive into buildings and cause accidents while driving the wrong direction on highways are drunk/high or have dementia. It would be nice to know how other parts of the world deal with these two types of drivers because we could use some pointers.


ThisIsNotTuna t1_ixay14y wrote

It's all in the video.


mmirate t1_ixcxvf0 wrote

tl;dr: tl;dw: outside the Interstate Highway System and similar highways, driving >25mph anyplace is technically unsafe because once in awhile people fail to maintain awareness of their surroundings and control of their vehicle; but driving >25mph is also how people get from home to work and back, and do work in between, all in a single day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯