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LBKTHREE t1_ivh7z5z wrote

They were in WWII. When Americans with conservative values similar to Bolduc and Levitt kicked their assess.

I just wish the generations following would actually learn some history instead of throwing that stupid word around while having no fucking clue what it means.


petrified_eel4615 t1_ivho12f wrote

Yeah, it would be nice if morons like you knew what you were talking about.

Ever notice that the people flying Nazi and Confederate flags only go to Republican rallies?

From Mirriam-Webster: Fascism: 1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.


LBKTHREE t1_ivj9u4a wrote

Congratulations on the googling the definition of fascism, and saying that you've seen Nazi flags flown at rallies. As a loose connection, should I assume that all Democrats like to burn iand oot buildings?

But based on the above definition, can you give me proof where they have called for a one race nation?

That last part about centralized autocratic government, sounds a lot like Democrats. Trying to centralize power at the federal level, they tried to control you through mandates, they tell you you can only vote for one party if you want to be"free". Now that's fascism


petrified_eel4615 t1_ivl0rrd wrote

The Nazi salutes helped cement that impression, yeah.

Not every Republican is a Nazi, but every Nazi is a Republican. How many democrats was it again arrested for seditious conspiracy & attempted murder on our elected officials? And how come none of the Republicans elected in 2020 declined to take their seats if the election was so fraudulent?

Also, calling themselves Nationalist Christians (or Nat-Cs, if you will) doesn't exactly make me think they are trying not to look like Nazis.


LBKTHREE t1_ix89cer wrote

>Yahoo sports as a source? Anyone in sports knows one finger in the air means "we're number 1". It was sad to watch news outlets try and spin it as fascism. Sad to see you buying into it.

Hitler wasn't a religious person. An agnostic. Against trying to tie Christianity and fascism together is desperate at best.

Every Nazi is a republican. Again, tell me you know nothing about Nazis/Fascism without telling me. The two ideas couldn't be further from each other. Republicans = small government. Nazi/fascism = dictatorial control. Hmm federal government having total control, who does sound more like? Right or left? Be honest with yourself.


petrified_eel4615 t1_ixatg21 wrote

  1. Corroborating evidence, as I wasn't sure you would accept the BBC. Figured the writing was more your education level.

  2. Never said anything about Hitler, I was discussing republicans who self describe as Nationalist Christian. If you re-read the article, with comprehension this time, you might see that.

  3. Both Right (conservative) and Left (progressive) can be authoritarians - look at Mussolini vs. Chavez. But go ahead, tell me how republicans wanting to control women's health choices and people's sleeping arrangements is small government.

  4. But the conversation is moot, both the idiots lost.


LBKTHREE t1_ixcun39 wrote

Yes, I'm sure you didn't just click on the first link that google gave you in your search.

You mention Nazi's, who's founder was Hitler. Comparing Christian Nationalists to Agnostic Nazi's is laughable. Are you suggesting that christian nationalists want to rule by dictatorship?

The women's choice argument is getting old. Giving power back to the states is far from controlling women's health. Look at deep red Kansas. They voted to uphold a woman's right to choose. If anything, you might find more open choices for women in more liberal states like California. That's what mall government looks like. It feels like you are scared to let people have a voice.