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blogthisisyours t1_ivp2c4h wrote

100% wood stove with 50% biobricks


Open-Industry-8396 t1_ivpdjy2 wrote

Bio bricks? Have you done a cost analysis compared to wood? I did an analysis for those fuel bricks from harbor freight. Wood was about 1/2 the price.


Open-Industry-8396 t1_ivpdxtl wrote


blogthisisyours t1_ivpfmza wrote

Well, there are a few factors to consider:

- what is one paying per cord for wood, if you aren't harvesting/splitting/seasoning oneself?
- what is one paying for the bricks?

Beyond those, I simply love how the bricks burn hot with little ash. I've found over the 10 years or so of burning both cordwood and bricks together that the combination leaves very little creosote for me to sweep in the late spring from my chimney.
Considering we have a fire going from October to early May, I feel good about the mix for a variety of reasons.


Open-Industry-8396 t1_ivqa41v wrote

Can I ask where you get them and price.

Tractor supply has the for 5.99 for about 24 lbs.

I think I got them for 3.99 at the same store last year.


blogthisisyours t1_ivqcg0i wrote

I normally buy them by the pallet delievered as I don't own a truck. 3 pallets/year.
wood pelletts (dot) com in bedford
pallet = 2000 lbs


Open-Industry-8396 t1_ivqdwf1 wrote

Great thanks. Comes out to .13 cents per pound.

Cord wood estimate is about 14 cents /pound (rough estimate ) too many variables

Fuel blocks at tractor supply is .20 cents per pound