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Ouijabored1776 t1_ixo5nxv wrote

I tried telling Elon Musk to eat a dick and I got banned from Twitter. He must have been hella mad I called him Musky the Muskrat in front of everyone. I got banned the same day I made my first account lmao. Rich people get mad so easily.


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixocbzc wrote

Yall didn't like that one? Neither did Elon musk. He must be down voting me again. The man's always bagging on me. Electric cars are why electricity prices have skyrocketed like his stupid failed space X project. My projects fail too so I guess we have that in common. But I didn't pay into mine with my daddy's money so whatever.


ballwasher89 t1_ixojy47 wrote

Meh. Moderately humourous. I would lol, but I am comatose from binging on turkey.

Electric cars are why electricity has skyrocketed? you know that or are you just spitballing.

I would wager a guess the ongoing Ukraine/Russian war has a greater hand in the current market rate for electricity..since Russia is/was cutting their oil/gas exports. Heard it's way worse in the UK. Whole goddamn country struggling to heat their homes/keep the lights on...hey that sounds familar


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixokr14 wrote

Just seemed awfully convenient. It might just be an inconvenient truth but I'm not an electrolysist. I just bring the electrolytes because they're what plants crave. Drink raveraide. Endorse the quench, its zesty af.