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ScottieWP t1_ivuwfip wrote

I don't care if you have a different opinion than me on how to increase economic growth or address climate change, but we gotta at least agree on basic facts to work together. You know, like germ theory, vaccines, masks, etc. Glad she is out.


dj_narwhal t1_ivuxyj6 wrote

I like how the military handled it. They know these monsters did not complain at the dozens of other vaccines that they had to get so when these people repeated the fox news lines about their hesitancy to vaccinate they told them to piss up a rope. In the civilian sector we had to be more careful about hurting these snowflake's feelings even though none of them had a problem with the vaccines to enter public school. Right wing media has destroyed this country.


HPenguinB t1_ivy2gdz wrote

But but but THIS one wasn't tested for 20 years first!
(MF, you know the flu vaccine changes every year too, but is also based on tested tech, right?)