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svenGhoulie t1_iw8kje7 wrote

The best I have heard is "Libertarians are like domestic house cats. They have a smug, superior attitude, and spend their time looking down on the system on which they are dependent".

My thoughts are: A Libertarian waters his lawn in the middle of a drought because "I pay the water bill, and there is nothing in the constitution that says I can't".


LumpyBumpyToad t1_iwbxp5a wrote

Libertarianism is, by definition, self-serving.

For example - they're supposedly big individual liberty people.... so they don't want the government enroaching on those.

Only they don't accept or understand that corrupt people and communities also do this... and things like governmental protections for marginalized groups matter.

You can't be pro "individual liberty" if - at the end of the day - you believe in a world where, by stepping foot on the wrong block, my liberties can be erased by the populace and their corrupt institutions.


sleaze_breeze t1_iwc46b4 wrote

Yeah ok but you’re a “professional” Reddit commenter