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lt_skittles t1_iwdj1o8 wrote

I already caught covid. I'm fully vaccinated, haven't had my booster, but so far it's been awful.


mafiafish t1_iweguou wrote

Yeah I had my first bout recently after all my jabs and covalent 2nd booster.

Feel like crap 3 weeks after - like someone's robbed part of my brain and half a lung.

Reading through some of the mounting physiological research on long-term effects scares the crap out of me!


lt_skittles t1_iweh93n wrote

Ik someone with long covid, it sucks, and sorry to hear that.


mafiafish t1_iweheou wrote

Ah it'll be ok. My life's easier than 99% of folks on this rock. Thanks though!


PoorInCT t1_iwfl3q3 wrote

I got my fourth shot just because I knew the side effects would get me two days off work. But also because people to the left of me and to the right of me were dropping from covid, and I guess the new policy is to not tell anyone that you've been in the same room with such a person.


lt_skittles t1_iwfuuij wrote

I work retail overnights, some people were coming to work already sick. The symptoms just came over me on thursday night, and I've been using at home tests.