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Wrong-Sundae t1_iwebfwu wrote

That reminds me- apparently there’s some subset of males who actually believe it’s “gay” to properly wipe and/or wash their asshole in general. So they refuse to do it, or to do it properly. Friend in nursing told me this before, and I thought he was exaggerating, but then I read more accounts of that from other people in the med profession. As if health literacy weren’t bad enough in this country without other biases thrown in. The combinations of ignorance and hate are endless.


the_nobodys t1_iwec1wu wrote

I bet that's more of a generational thing, sort of like how fewer men used to change diapers than do now.


zeus6793 t1_iweo44z wrote

WHAT??? They don't wipe their asses after taking a shit? You can't be serious.


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwerjpa wrote


zeus6793 t1_iwes213 wrote

Ok, I am so disgusted now I feel like I need a shower. Who could POSSIBLY think this is ok? Seriously. No one tells these people that they stink like shit? No one raised them outside of a zoo? WTF???


Lords_of_Lands t1_iwfiphm wrote

A bunch of romantic perfumes add a slight shit smell so it subconsciously reminds people of crotches.

Maybe these people think they smell nice?


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwet7o1 wrote

Aw, I hope you can get a hug from a clean person sometime soon.


zeus6793 t1_iwexatq wrote

I don't even want to touch another person after reading all of those. I will stay in a nice little bubble of my own washed person, at least for tonight. And tomorrow, in the shower, I will scrub my asshole until it is bleeding.