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maxhinator123 t1_iwdti8i wrote

I use "all trails" for anything from a 1 hour walk to a 2 day 40 mile 5000 footer hike If you are new to hiking, start with local walks/hills sub 500 foot and a couple miles maybe. just start working your way up. When you get to the mountains always prepare for the worst, survival kit, emergency thermal blanket, dress PREPARED, always bring more water than you think you need, bring extra snacks. try not to hike alone even though I do it sometimes. I highly recommend working to the 4000 footers. There's no experience like the top Franconia ridge but damn is it a trek.

Also keep in mind a hike may say 8 hours, but some people trail run killing that average. Being a fine speed I usually tack on 20% more time for the long hikes to be extra safe


chosen566 t1_iwfdhe8 wrote

Any tips for solo hiking specifically? Go armed?


SheeEttin t1_iwg8jgx wrote

They say you should always take off the front sight of any gun you take hiking, so that it hurts less when the bear shoves it up your ass.

I've done my share of solo hiking. I've never felt the need to bring a gun. It's far more effective to be aware of your surroundings and avoid any dangerous situations in the first place. Bring bear spray if you really want to bring something.


lellololes t1_iwgsx0z wrote

The last bear fatality in NH was in the 1700s. By and large they stay away from people.

A gun is less likely to stop a bear than a lot of other things.

If you bring anything and aren't hunting, bring some bells that jingle when you walk, or bear spray if you really want to be safe.